
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cheap Monday Fall 2011 Lookbook

"We have looked at different scenarios when predicting the future, the future of consumer behaviors, fashion and living. Extreme predictions and mind-bending conceptions of how life will be not so long from now leads to theories and off shoots that might seem beyond belief, becoming even more intriguing.

Future inhabitants of the earth controlling their avatars from home in comfortable jumpsuits are reflected upon in the collection through a strong sports attire reference. Why not imagine the earth being covered in garbage, and humans in tracksuits living on a spaceship waiting for the robots to clear it up? A lack of human labour, fully sponsored lives and need for extreme self-exposure manifests trough super-stupid prints for AW2011.

Crinkled and sheer fabrics, net and organza suggests all day nudity when we no longer need to step outside. Cocoon like shapes is our interpretation of future endeavours in spirituality and religion. Exposed seams and anti fit silhouettes gives utterance to our inner spirits.

A darker side of our future visions shows a post apocalyptic earth, full of metal scraps and garbage. By using home made type of dyes, rubberized denim and dirty tints we gave the collection a dark, futuristic look. This image also gave birth to a strict, army inspired look with chimney collars."

- Cheap Monday fashion brand









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