
Wednesday, February 25, 2009



ECSTASY TECHNIQUES: projects by SUPREMUS // now until March 15, 2009 // Moscow Museum of Modern Art // Moscow, Russian Federation

Moscow City Government, Moscow City Department of Culture, Russian Academy of Arts, and Moscow Museum of Modern Art present "ECSTASY TECHNIQUES - projects by SUPREMUS" at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. The exhibition “Ecstasy Techniques” at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art launches a multi-stage long-term project SUPREMUS – a title that was coined in 1991. The participants of this show, Alexander Shumov, Serge Golovach, and Victor Ribas, advocates of “fractal abstraction” technique, raise the question of going back to the source, to the point of merging, which is seldom visited by present-day people, even though the cyclic return to this point has been laid down by many ancient cultures and religious practices.

Ecstasy is a feeling almost unfamiliar to modern people, forgotten like the culture of ancient Greeks, who cherished everything that helps to break the routine and induce the state of epiphany. This is a state of altered consciousness when – expectedly or unexpectedly – we are totally involved with an object, like a vessel filled to the brim, and the awareness of the surrounding world is eliminated. This is a moment of spiritual enlightenment, the apprehension of higher reason, intrinsic to people developing their spiritual level. This is a brief but highly intense state, when the inner and outer worlds merge. In creative people it results in the production of some kind of artwork - a painting, a film, a text, or a movement.

The works on view combine cause and effect, dance and yoga, love and sex, philosophy and alternative values of modern life – the themes examined by the authors with acute sensuality, driven to the pain perception threshold. This high emotional tension called for special representation techniques, which lead the artists to create highly original photographic and artistic methods.

“Fractal abstraction” technique devised by SUPREMUS group is a bright original manifestation of contemporary art. A film produced with the help of scientists from the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences will tell the visitors how fractal abstraction method was generated. The show at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art opens a series of special events, exhibitions, and seminars on abstract abstractionism.

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