
Monday, June 20, 2011

WerkStadt Kulturverein Berlin e.V., Berlin : Exhibition Proposals

Call for Proposals : Deadline : July 8, 2011

WerkStadt Kulturverein Berlin e.V. is now looking for artists from all disciplines to submit a proposal for an exhibition for the upcoming year from September 2011 – August 2012. They welcome work by both local and international artists. Each exhibition lasts one month in duration.

The WerkStadt is a non- profit platform for contemporary art and culture, with two locations WerkStadt, Emser Straβe 124, where they have a fully equipped dark room for photography, wood work studio, a writers studio, artist studios, project room and bar area. The second location WerkStadt Kunstsatellit, Nogatstraβe 39. consists of six artists studios. As well as monthly exhibitions, they also organize Art Clinic where different Artists present there work for discussion and critical debate on the first Monday of every month.

How to apply

Send via email no more than 8 images of recent work in .jpeg or .pdf format, artist cv, short description of you work, and which month you would be able to exhibit to

Visit the website for more info:


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