
Monday, July 02, 2007

Call for Artists: Art- and Nature-walk Arty Archaelogy

2007-07-02 until 2007-12-01

Stichting Natuurkunst Drenthe
Sleen, , NL Netherlands

In 2008 the Foundation Nature Art Drenthe is organizing the 4th edition of the international annual (2005, 2006, 2007) event about art in nature. In 2008 titled ‘Art- and naturewalk Arty Achaelogy’. Every year artist from all over the world are invited to realize projects based on a cultural historical theme. In 2005 it was the old legend of two filty giants, Ellert and Brammert. Title: ‘Art- and naturewalk The Legend’. In 2006 the history of the Orange canal. Tile: ‘Art- and naturewalk Still water’. In 2007 the very fast reforestation of the region. Title: ‘Art- and naturewalk Green revolution’.

About 12.000 visitors are every year visiting this artproject located in the forest of the State Forestry behind the open air museum Ellert&Brammert at the village Schoonoord, the Netherlands. Interested artist are invited to applicate by a concrete proposel and documentation of earlier work. Information about conditions and theme can be found on the website Click 2008. Deadline for proposals: December 1, 2007

Applications are welcome by email or by postal mail
Stichting Natuurkunst Drenthe
Meulenakker 6
NL – 7841 EP, Sleen
The Netherlands

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